【安全 安心 安適 跨足國際】【Safety Complacency Amenity Global management】
亞太國際地產秉持著面相市場時的最大原則 「安全交易、安心住屋、安適服務」,也因此得到客戶認同並逐漸展露頭角。
Our Asia Pacific International Property (APIP) principle concentrates on "Secured Transaction, Pleasant living and Professional Services", and our reputation shall build customer awareness.
APIP sensibly understands in different demand in different properties. We then step into foreign real estate market. A large variety of properties are offering to serve diverse customers' needs. Potential properties and investment in neighboring countries are captivating for earning high yield. In 2011, we forecast potential opportunity in the ASEAN newly coming; thus, we determine to play main role in foreign real estate agency in Taiwan and abroad. Our services aim to work professional and fit with all customers' demand.
【專業 誠懇 用心 同業合作】 【Professional Sincere Diligent Industrial Corporation】
專業 - 除具備一般房地產業者應備證照,也透過各種形式的內部訓練及頻繁操演測驗來保證團隊成員及經銷商具備最完整專業知識與服務態度。
Professional - Our APIP is not only received the real estate agency certificates, but also acquired domestic and international licenses. Our team members must enroll APIP course and pass the examination with APIP training department. We ensure that APIP members profoundly understand in the real estate knowledge and service attitude. .
誠懇 - 我們珍視每一位客戶,重視每一次合作。此誠摯態度,來自於團隊創始幹部彼此默契,不僅以身作則地示範了誠懇意涵,也影響了每一位後進成員,藉而形成了潛移默化文化與作為,感染每一位與我們接觸的人。
Sincere- APIP truly cherish to all customers and partnerships. We believe that actions speak louder than words. Our customer loyalty and awareness reflect our professional performance and business. These consequence affirm APIP reputation. We deeply thank to all for trusting on APIP.
用心 - 視如己出的付出態度,不斷給予經銷商完整資訊、訓練、及各式新穎工具,讓行銷變成一件很自然事情,因為好的事物不畏推薦,更樂於分享。
Diligent- We always share and talk about business with partnership. We have got essential project information and done greatly in marketing. The strengthness is we deeply understand viewpoint of customers and developers.
Meanwhile, we sincerely appreciate to all the partners involving in each project.
"Professional ,Sincere, Diligent " that our colleagues are working on completing in business mission. As well as APIP is continually improving ourselves to be better for overseas market and also maintain our notable among real estate agencies.